how to test nf-core pipelines

How to Test a nf-core Pipeline | Nextflow Tutorial

nf-core/bytesize: Using nf-core configs in custom pipelines

nf-test, a simple test framework specifically tailored for Nextflow pipelines

nf-core Nextflow Tools: Ultimate Guide to Bioinformatics Pipelines

nf-core/bytesize: Making pipeline level tests with nf-test

nf-core/bytesize: Configure lint tests

nf-core/bytesize: bactopia & using nf-core components in non-nf-core pipelines

Pipeline code walkthrough (nf-core/bytesize #3)

nf-core/bytesize: nf-test

Troubleshooting a failed pipeline (nf-core/bytesize #35)

nf-core/bytesize: Six tips for community-based pipeline development

Tutorial: running pipelines - Friederike Hanssen

Pytest workflows/Github actions (nf-core/bytesize #17)

Featured nf-core pipelines: viralrecon - Harshil Patel

nf-core/bytesize: Using wave containers in pipelines (+bonus: nextflow inspect)

Pipeline First Release (nf-core/bytesize #15)

Featured nf-core pipelines: Sarek - Maxime Garcia

How nf-core configs work (nf-core/bytesize #2)

nf-core/bytesize: nf-validation

nf-core/bytesize: Contributing to Nextflow

nf-core/rnaseq (nf-core/bytesize #32)

Featured nf-core pipelines: RNAseq - Alex Peltzer

JOBIM2020 - nf-core, a community effort for collaborative peer-reviewed analysis pipelines

Where do I start writing my own DSL2 pipeline? (nf-core/bytesize #24)